Kid´s Room to a Game Room

In Nordic countries, small children’s rooms are often equipped with similar toys. First, there are blocks and different toys that make sounds or musical instruments that make a lot of noise.

A little later, there will be dolls, Legos, and toys based on various TV series and movies.

During the last decade, mobile phones and tablet applications have also taken up a lot of children’s playtime. One of the reasons for the massive popularity of mobile gaming is its ease. When a child gets bored with one game, it’s easy to download new ones or start a new children’s animation series on a mobile phone.

The Subsoccer table football game belongs to another category. Although Subsoccer looks lazy at first glance, it is quite a physical game because you simultaneously keep your feet in the air while kicking the ball into the opponent’s goal.

Subsoccer is a toy, but at the same time, it is a game that teaches ball control. When playing, there is a massive amount of ball contact because the ball is in a small closed space, and the ball returns to the game as soon as it hits the goal.

Children need all kinds of games, but it is essential to remember that every child needs exercise, even if it is raining outside.