Subsoccer – Design from Finland

Subsoccer – table football game invented by Jarno Saarinen and his daughter Emma.

Subsoccer differs from other table football games in that it is played with the feet like real football.

The game was originally invented in 2008 when four-year-old Emma wanted to play with her father. Two garden chairs facing each other and a field delimited by wet towels and swimming trunks served as a playing area where the ball did not run away and the chairs where Emma and Jarno sat served as goals where the ball is attempted to be kicked and which the other tries to prevent by blocking the ball with his feet.

The Subsoccer table football game is very physically demanding if you play it for any more extended period. Many say that the game looks like laziness, but you can test the gravity of the game without the Subsoccer game table by swinging your legs in the air for five minutes. The stomach muscles will have a hard time even if it is in good shape.

Either way, the Subsoccer table football game works as exercise, even if your physical condition is bad. The game can only be played by lightly kicking the ball.

This year, the plan is to start the first subsoccer series, including players from children to the elderly and unknown toddlers to rock stars.